The Trigonometric Stage (1978) [slope * cos(aspect)] or [slope * sin(aspect)]
An a priori assumption of a maximum in the NW quadrant (45 azimuth) and a minimum in the SW quadrant can be replaced by an empirically determined location of the optimum without repeated calculations of the regression fit. In addition it is argued that expressions for the effects of aspect should always be considered as terms involving an interaction with slope (Stage, 1976)
For slopes from 0 bounded from -1 to 1. Greater than 100 out of the -1 to 1 range.
An alternative for slopes with values approaching infinity is to take the square root of slope/100 to reduce the range of values.By default this model test all values greater than 100 to 101
sa.trans( slope, aspect, type = "cos", slp.units = "degrees", asp.units = "degrees" )
slope | slope values in degrees, radians or percent |
aspect | aspect values in degrees or radians |
type | Type of transformation, options are: "cos", "sin" |
slp.units | Units of slope values, options are: "degrees", "radians" or "percent" |
asp.units | Units of aspect values, options are: "degrees" or "radians" |
A vector of the modeled value
Stage, A. R. 1976. An Expression of the Effects of Aspect, Slope, and Habitat Type on Tree Growth. Forest Science 22(3):457-460.
Jeffrey S. Evans <>
sa.trans(slope = 48.146, aspect = 360.000)#> [1] -0.2383874