Query of Amazon AWS OLI-Landsat 8 cloud service
oli.asw(path, row, dates, cloud.cover = 10, processing)
path | landsat path |
row | landsat row |
dates | dates, single or start-stop range in YYYY-MM-DD format |
cloud.cover | percent cloud cover |
processing | processing level ("L1GT" or "L1T") |
data.frame object with:
entityId - Granule ID
L = Landsat
X = Sensor
SS = Satellite
PPP = WRS path
RRR = WRS row
YYYYMMDD = Acquisition date
yyyymmdd = Processing date
CC = Collection number
TX = Collection category
acquisitionDate - POSIXct YYYY-MM-DD (eg., 2015-01-02)
cloudCover -
processingLevel - USGS processing level
path - Landsat path
row - Landsat row
Amazons AWS cloud service is hosting OLI Landsat 8 data granules https://registry.opendata.aws/landsat-8 https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/start-using-landsat-on-aws/
USGS Landsat collections: https://www.usgs.gov/core-science-systems/nli/landsat Pre-collection processing levels: "L1T", "L1GT", "L1G" Collection 1 processing levels: "L1TP", "L1GT", "L1GS" "L1T" and "L1TP" - Radiomertically calibrated and orthorectified (highest level processing) "L1GT" and "L1GT" - Radiomertically calibrated and systematic geometric corrections "L1G" and "L1GS" - Radiomertically calibrated with systematic ephemeris correction
Jeffrey S. Evans <jeffrey_evans@tnc.org>
if (FALSE) { # Query path 126, row 59, 2013-04-15 to 2017-03-09, <20% cloud cover ( p126r59.oli <- oli.asw(path=126, row=59, dates = c("2013-04-15", "2017-03-09"), cloud.cover = 20) ) # Download images from query bands <- c("_B1.TIF", "_B2.TIF", "_B3.TIF", "_B4.TIF", "_B5.TIF", "_B6.TIF","_B7.TIF", "_B8.TIF", "_B9.TIF", "_B10.TIF", "_B11.TIF", "_BQA.TIF","_MTL.txt") for(i in 1:length(p126r59.oli$download_url)) { oli.url <- gsub("/index.html","",p126r59.oli$download_url[i]) all.bands <- paste(oli.url, paste0(unlist(strsplit(oli.url, "/"))[8], bands), sep="/") for(j in all.bands) { try(utils::download.file(url=j, destfile=basename(j), mode = "wb")) } } }