Inserts a new row or column into a data.frame at a specified location

insert(x, MARGIN = 1, value = NULL, idx, name = NULL)



Existing data.frame


Insert a 1 = row or 2 = column


A vector of values equal to the length of MARGIN, if nothing specified values with be NA


Index position to insert row or column


Name of new column (not used for rows, MARGIN=1)


A data.frame with the new row or column inserted


Where there are methods to easily add a row/column to the end or beginning of a data.frame, it is not straight forward to insert data at a specific location within the data.frame. This function allows for inserting a vector at a specific location eg., between columns or rows 1 and 2 where row/column 2 is moved to the 3rd position and a new vector of values is inserted into the 2nd position.


Jeffrey S. Evans <>


d <- data.frame(ID=1:10, y=runif(10)) # insert row insert(d, idx=2)
#> Inserting row
#> ID y #> 1 1 0.27993559 #> 2 NA NA #> 3 2 0.78022466 #> 4 3 0.34410797 #> 5 4 0.08978361 #> 6 5 0.79301521 #> 7 6 0.85302540 #> 8 7 0.42590664 #> 9 8 0.78807564 #> 10 9 0.47899806 #> 11 10 0.59109823
insert(d, value=c(20,0), idx=2)
#> Inserting row
#> ID y #> 1 1 0.27993559 #> 2 20 0.00000000 #> 3 2 0.78022466 #> 4 3 0.34410797 #> 5 4 0.08978361 #> 6 5 0.79301521 #> 7 6 0.85302540 #> 8 7 0.42590664 #> 9 8 0.78807564 #> 10 9 0.47899806 #> 11 10 0.59109823
# insert column insert(d, MARGIN=2, idx=2)
#> Inserting column
#> ID V1 y #> 1 1 NA 0.27993559 #> 2 2 NA 0.78022466 #> 3 3 NA 0.34410797 #> 4 4 NA 0.08978361 #> 5 5 NA 0.79301521 #> 6 6 NA 0.85302540 #> 7 7 NA 0.42590664 #> 8 8 NA 0.78807564 #> 9 9 NA 0.47899806 #> 10 10 NA 0.59109823
insert(d, MARGIN = 2, value = rep(0,10), idx=2, name="x")
#> Inserting column
#> ID x y #> 1 1 0 0.27993559 #> 2 2 0 0.78022466 #> 3 3 0 0.34410797 #> 4 4 0 0.08978361 #> 5 5 0 0.79301521 #> 6 6 0 0.85302540 #> 7 7 0 0.42590664 #> 8 8 0 0.78807564 #> 9 9 0 0.47899806 #> 10 10 0 0.59109823